Choice Neighborhoods is HUD’s signature program to rebuild neighborhoods, preserve affordable housing, and create better opportunities for residents.
LMHA and the City of Lorain were awarded a HUD Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant to create plan to redevelop and revitalize Southside Gardens and the surrounding community in South Lorain, Ohio.
The area covered by the Planning Grant includes the geographic area in South Lorain: The recently reopened Republic Steel Plant to the North, along 28th St. and a high-tension power line along the South; Broadway to the West; and Oakwood Park to the East, along Grove Ave.
The grant supports planning for the transformation of Southside Gardens and the reinvestment in the greater South Lorain community. The Southside Gateway Community Plan will be a living document for community empowerment and neighborhood redevelopment.
LMHA and the City of Lorain Grant Application
Public housing authorities, local governments, nonprofits, and tribal entities are eligible to apply for Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants.
Applications are required to "target" a severely distressed public housing and/or other HUD-assisted housing project(s) within a neighborhood with a poverty rate of 20 percent or higher.
Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority and the City of Lorain applied for the grant on July 28, 2022.
On December 22, 2022, HUD announced that LMHA and the City of Lorain were awarded $500,000, the maximum possible grant award.

In the past decade, Choice Neighborhoods has awarded over $1 billion with a combination of planning and implementation grants, creating over 30,000 new mixed-income housing units in 40 cities.
Since 2013, approximately 75% of Implementation Grant awards were made to Planning Grantees. The maximum grant award for a Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant is $50 million.
Planning Grantees may receive additional points and priority for future Implementation Grant applications.
Many past grantees who has not pursued an Implementation Grant have nonetheless turned key pieces of their plan into a reality.
Choice Neighborhoods grants lead to further local investment.
As a result of Choice's convening power, grantees and their partners are leveraging an additional $7.50 for every $1.00 in grant funds.
To date, Implementation Grantees have already invested $5.2 billion into local communities.

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Of Tomorrow, Today.